Unbreakable Walls? This Fallout 4 Player’s Method Makes Settlements Impregnable | SportsVikings

In the vast and treacherous wasteland of Fallout 4, survival hinges on one’s ability to build and defend settlements against myriad threats. Recently, a resourceful

Mr. SV

Fallout 4

In the vast and treacherous wasteland of Fallout 4, survival hinges on one’s ability to build and defend settlements against myriad threats.

Recently, a resourceful player, known as iammerelyhere on Reddit, uncovered a clever tactic to bolster defenses with an unexpected ally: the Brotherhood of Steel.

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The strategy involves a bit of ingenuity and a touch of cheekiness. First, the player “borrows” a set of Power Armor from a Brotherhood soldier—a feat requiring deft pickpocketing skills and agile maneuvers.

With the stolen armor in hand, the player seeks out an abandoned truck with a conveniently accessible rooftop. Once atop the truck, they don the Power Armor and strategically exit it, leaving it tantalizingly out of reach on the rooftop.

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The brilliance of this tactic lies in exploiting Fallout 4’s AI quirks. The Brotherhood soldier, programmed to prioritize reclaiming their lost armor, becomes ensnared in a loop of futile attempts to retrieve it.


In doing so, they unwittingly become a steadfast guardian of the settlement, their armored presence deterring would-be attackers.

This discovery not only demonstrates the resourcefulness of the Fallout 4 community but also sheds light on the game’s capacity for emergent gameplay.

Players constantly push the boundaries of mechanics, uncovering unconventional solutions to challenges presented by the post-apocalyptic landscape.

Fallout 4

However, this tactic is not without its considerations. While the stolen Power Armor provides formidable defense, it remains dependent on Fusion Cores for operation.

Without a core, the soldier cannot utilize its weapons systems effectively, mitigating its offensive capabilities.

Additionally, one must weigh the ethical implications of stealing from the Brotherhood—a powerful faction not known for taking such transgressions lightly.


For those who prefer a more conventional approach to settlement defense, alternatives abound. Building turrets, recruiting settlers with combat prowess, and fortifying strategic positions offer viable strategies that do not involve pilfering Power Armor.

In conclusion, Fallout 4 players seeking to fortify their settlements may find merit in this inventive tactic.

However, they should proceed with caution, mindful of both the tactical advantages and potential consequences of their actions. After all, in the unforgiving wasteland, every decision carries weight, and every advantage comes with its own set of risks.


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