“Like it’s been f**king a living nightmare,” xQc addresses ex-girlfriend Adept’s recent marriage claims

In a recent live stream on June 1, 2023, popular Twitch personality Felix “xQc” addressed the controversy surrounding recent claims made by his ex-girlfriend, Sammy

Mr. SV


In a recent live stream on June 1, 2023, popular Twitch personality Felix “xQc” addressed the controversy surrounding recent claims made by his ex-girlfriend, Sammy “Adept,” regarding their supposed marriage. xQc spoke candidly about his version of events, providing clarity and insight into their past relationship.

Despite the sensitive nature of the topic, xQc approached it with honesty and transparency, acknowledging that he had been married for three years, saying, “That’s a truthful statement.” He also expressed the emotional toll that recent events had taken on him, referring to the experience as “a living nightmare.”

Although xQc admitted to being frustrated by the amount of misinformation circulating online, he refused to engage in further drama or fall for provocative tactics. He made it clear that he would not be baited into engaging in a war of words, preferring to focus on his own well-being.


During the stream, xQc also surprised fans by revealing that he has entered into a new relationship. Despite the rumors and speculations that have been circulating, he stressed the importance of waiting for the truth to come out and avoiding jumping to conclusions.

Speaking about his decision to relocate to Texas, xQc revealed that the move has been beneficial for him, giving him a refreshing amount of time to focus on personal growth. With a newfound sense of strength, xQc is navigating these challenging times with renewed determination.


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