Dana White’s 420 lbs Power Slap champion sleeps bodybuilding star Larry Wheels in slap competition

Larry Wheels is a well-known bodybuilder and an influencer. He is known for trying out various things, including arm wrestling. In a surprising crossover event,


Koa Viernes and Danie Van Heerden

Larry Wheels is a well-known bodybuilder and an influencer. He is known for trying out various things, including arm wrestling. In a surprising crossover event, Larry Wheels faced off against Power Slap champion Koa Viernes. The result was an expected one. A thunderous slap sent Wheels straight to dreamland.

Power Slap is the controversial sport promoted by UFC CEO Dana White. It continues to make waves in the social media circles. This time, it caught the attention of fitness enthusiast Larry Wheels. Known for his impressive physique and feats of strength, Wheels decided to test his mettle. He challenged Power Slap’s super heavyweight champion, Koa Viernes, to a slap-off.


Viernes, tipping the scales at a whopping 420 pounds, accepted the challenge. Wheels, no slouch himself, knew he was in for a wild ride. Wheels admitted beforehand that he was 100% going to get knocked out. The bodybuilder even had smelling salts ready, anticipating a quick trip to Slumberland. Turns out, he was right on the money.

Wheels went first, slapping the 420-pound monster with little effect on him. When the moment of truth arrived, Viernes unleashed his palm with devastating force. Wheels crumpled like a house of cards in a hurricane. This unlikely matchup highlighted the growing popularity of Power Slap. The UFC CEO‘s latest venture continues to attract attention despite criticism from some corners.

420 lbs Power Slap champion Koa Viernes defeats Danie Van Heerden at Power Slap 8


Power Slap continues to make waves in the world of new sports. The latest Power Slap 8 did not disappoint eager fans. Dana White’s brainchild keeps growing. The recent event saw its super heavyweight champion, Koa Viernes, defend his title. The 420-pound behemoth faced off against challenger Danie Van Heerden.

Koa Viernes and Danie Van HeerdenKoa Viernes and Danie Van Heerden (via Hawaii News Now/ BRICS Global Television Network)

Viernes, aptly nicknamed “Da Crazy Hawaiian,” lived up to his moniker. His massive frame and thunderous palm strikes have become legendary in the sport. Van Heerden stepped up to challenge the reigning champ with no fear in his mind. The bout promised fireworks, and it delivered.

As the two giants squared off, tension filled the air. Viernes, with hands like frying pans, unleashed his heavy slaps. To his credit, Van Heerden showed remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. The match went the distance, with both men trading ear-ringing blows. In the end, the judges’ decision favored the champion, Koa Viernes. The victory cemented Viernes’ status as the top dog in Power Slap. 




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