Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are ‘not running the country’, says UFC boss Dana White backing Donald Trump

The current political scenario in the United States of America is buzzing as the Presidential elections approach. There is a lot of anticipation among the


Dana White and Donald Trump together at a public gathering

The current political scenario in the United States of America is buzzing as the Presidential elections approach. There is a lot of anticipation among the general public, and the tension among the candidates is rising. Recently, the CEO of UFC, Dana White, shared some intriguing thoughts about US political leaders such as Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris.

Whoโ€™s running the country right now? Itโ€™s not him (Joe Biden), itโ€™s not her (Kamala Harris)โ€ฆ Whoever is running the country, pulled off this Kamala Harris thing so they can stay in power and run the country for another four yearsโ€ฆ

Dana White via Outta Pocket with RGIII

In recent months, President Joe Biden has frequently made headlines. Many Americans speculated that the Democratic party might lose seats in the upcoming elections. However, the party strategically replaced Biden with Kamala Harris. Dana White believes that this move was a masterstroke as the one pulling the strings will control the White House for another term.

Dana White has often expressed his disapproval of the Democratic party leaders, stating that he believes they are not fit to run the country. As a result, he has posted on his social media accounts, seemingly criticizing Kamala Harris. Meanwhile, the UFC CEO has a strong relationship with the opposing partyโ€™s candidate, Donald Trump.


Dana White judges political leaders on one hilarious criteria

Every citizen of their respective country judges their political leaders on various criteria. It might range from their leadership qualities to their behavior toward the general public. Interestingly, Dana White, who is a longtime friend of Republican leader Donald Trump, shares reveals his way of judging the party representatives.

Dana White and Donald Trump together at a public gathering (Image via Imago)

The CEO of the UFC has been accused of being pro-Republican, which he has denied on several occasions. He has even blamed the mainstream media for creating division among Americans. In the podcast episode with Robert Griffin III, White reiterated his denial of the pro-Republican accusations. As such, the UFC CEO stated that he is all about common sense.


Iโ€™m all about common sense and I donโ€™t judge people by their politics. I judge people whether you know are you a do*chebag okay. If youโ€™re a do*chebag, I probably donโ€™t like youโ€ฆ

Dana White via Outta Pocket with RGIII (Check from 49:35)

Dana White then states his feelings about Donald Trump, saying he believes the former president is a good person. Interestingly, several other individuals also think the same. As such, they have also seemingly pledged their support for Trump. With just a few weeks left for the elections, it will be interesting to see who emerges as the victor.



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