“Cannot go left?” Ex-champ SCHOOLS Michael Jordan haters with amazing ‘Prince – guitar’ analogy

Any basketball fan would know how good Michael Jordan was. Whether it was his midair adjustments with his tongue out layups, his fadeaway jumpers, or



Any basketball fan would know how good Michael Jordan was. Whether it was his midair adjustments with his tongue out layups, his fadeaway jumpers, or his dunks, ‘Air’ Jordan was the epitome of a basketball player. But some of his critic’s question that greatness on the basis of some flaws. One of them being his supposed aversion to dribbling to his left during his time in the NBA.

On the April 12th episode of The Mark Jackson Show, 2-time NBA champion Kenny Smith was a guest. Host Bluu asked him about the rumors that Michael Jordan could not ‘go left’.

This is the idiocy that’s been going on right now today. Can Michael Jordan go left? That’s like saying can Prince play the guitar. Michael Jordan was the most complete player that has ever lived. Like Kareem was just as effective, and certain people like LeBron could be just as effective. But the most complete basketball player that ever lived is Michael Jordan.
Kenny Smith replied

Smith was clear that Jordan could do everything even though the stats or the shot charts would show otherwise—just like how Prince could play the guitar any time he wanted even though he did not need to.


Smith agreed that Jordan did take most of his shots from the right side. But just because he scored less from the left side does not mean opponents could get their way if they forced him left. He would still find a way to score and get the win.

That ability to score from anywhere and in any situation led to 6 NBA titles and 5 MVPs. Smith added that one of the reasons for that complete ability was because he developed his skills in his three years in college.

Kenny Smith attributes college development to Michael Jordan’s greatness


Kenny Smith suggested that what helped Michael Jordan be fundamentally sound was due to his development in college. He went on to say;

The best coaches are in college basketball. They design defenses and offenses that are different from the NBA. The NBA is just strict man to man. But your philosophies and thought process is from a totally of all of those defenses. So now, the game is easier for you. He was the best athlete and the most fundamental.
Kenny Smith said

As a fellow University of North Carolina alumni, Smith felt that development is what helped him be complete. Jordan used those fundamentals along with his athleticism to set himself apart.

The two-time champion added that Jordan’s time in college helped him to be above the likes of LeBron James and Kobe Bryant. Those two going straight from high school did not make them as fundamentally sound as the 6-time champion.


He did acknowledge that LeBron James‘ IQ is what sets him apart. But he is not complete in terms of fundamentals. Jordan’s college coaches helped him perfect his craft on his way to becoming the all-time great.



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